Monday, April 1, 2013

Desert Tortoise Botanicals ~ Plant Medicine Wilderness Retreat

White Mountain, AZ Photo by Jon Mancuso

If you are attending the Herbal Resurgence Rendezvous with me near Flagstaff, AZ this September 19 - 22nd or just happen to be in Arizona or New Mexico and love plants, I want to let you know about another event that will be happening just afterwards.  

For some people that attend the Rendezvous, this is a vacation and they don't want the fun or learning to end.  So John Slattery, the Sonoran Herbalist of Desert Tortoise Botanicals, has created an event nearby to complement the Rendezvous. 

John Slattery, the Sonoran Herbalist

John's Plant Medicine Wilderness Retreat is September 25 - 28th in the White Mountains near Alpine, Arizona.